Daily Journal: Friday, June 18th, 2021

3 min readJun 19, 2021

Today was a good day!

Wow, it has been a really long time since I have done these journal articles consistently. Its been about two months since I have done my last entry, and a lot has changed.

For starters, no I’m not dating the kid that I asked to prom. Absolutely not. I asked him to prom and he was so rude about it, and then I later found out that he has a girlfriend, so I dropped him immedietley. Its kind of crazy how you can be so close with someone for 2 years and then it can all be over just like that. I have seen him at work a few times since, and it has been very awkward.

On that note, I dont work at my job at the Pizza Place anymore! I put in my two weeks right after I got another job! I never thought the day would come where I wouldn’t be on the schedule there any more, but here we are! I got a new job at this really fun brewery in the borough, where I have always wanted to work. I get to serve and bartend there, which is exactly what I have always wanted to do. I really like working there, and the money that I make in one day is more than I would make in a whole weekend at my old job. Of course, I’m still picking up shifts at my alma mater.

I had prom! It was really nice, except for the fact that my date was a buzzkill. After E said no to be my prom date, I panicked, and I had to ask basically a random person to prom. I thought he would be a lot of fun, as many people label him as class clown. Well, it was quite the opposite of that. He took a bunch of edibles before we went into prom (without my knowledge) and was really really high basically the whole time. He followed me around like a lost puppy. Overall, the night wasn’t that bad, and I looked really amazing in my dress.

Oh, and no big deal, but I graduated high school! Graduation was amazing. I got to sit next to Makenzie, and went out to a really nice lunch afterward with some friends. I had a great time and looked really nice in my graduation dress.

I just got back from senior week. Me and Kenzie went to Virginia Beach, which was kind of a random pick, but it ended up being really nice. It was very obvious that Kenzie and I did not fit in there, as there were many scary people, but we still had a lot of fun. I would definitely go back. We stayed in a Days Inn, room 607. We thought the hotel would be really sketchy, but it actually wasn’t that bad at all. We had a private balcony, which was phenomenal as well. Kenz and I shared the king sized bed and had more than enough room. We also went to Busch Gardens, and rode all the big roller coasters there. We really had a blast.

I promised myself alot of things lately. I quit vaping, for one. I decided that I was going to quit after senior week, and as Kenzie pulled into my driveway I handed her my device. It was such a weird thing to happen. After three years of such a shitty addiction, it all ends because I simply hand it away. I guess it turns out that things are actually easier than they seem.

I hate to be like this, but I weighed myself this morning and found that I had gained almost 10 pounds in two months. That hurt me a little, being that I told myself that I would never get back over 120 pounds. I am going to start working out at the gym and trying to eat better, because I want to be confident with my body when I’m going into college. I know its going to be a long journey, but I am going to try to work on myself in the upcoming weeks.

Its really good to be writing again. I had thought about writing again a few other times, but I never could quite bring myself to do it. I got a new computer for college today, so maybe I will start doing this again!

Tomorrow will be another amazing day!

